Month: March 2022

Hydrangeas frozen? This is how you save your hydrangeas

Hydrangeas are an asset to any garden due to their exuberant and long-lasting flowering. But it is precisely this inflorescence that is the reason that this plant starts preparations early in the season. This means that you will soon see the buds growing in the hydrangeas in the spring. But it is precisely this rapid…

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Calla as a houseplant

You may also know calla under the name Zantedeschia or pitcher plant. Whatever you call the houseplant, it is a classic beauty with African roots and a sunny character. Proud leaves, colorful chalices The leaves and calyxes of the calla stand proudly up and the plant usually has a height of 40 to 55 centimeters.…

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This is how you maintain the amaryllis bulb

An amaryllis is a real winter bloomer, but it will also finish flowering once in a while. What are you doing then? Many people simply throw the bulb away and buy a new one the next year. That is not necessary, because an amaryllis can also be left over. That is of course nice because…

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