This is how you maintain the amaryllis bulb

An amaryllis is a real winter bloomer, but it will also finish flowering once in a while. What are you doing then? Many people simply throw the bulb away and buy a new one the next year. That is not necessary, because an amaryllis can also be left over. That is of course nice because you will be rewarded for the effort with an amaryllis that blooms beautifully for many years. The amaryllis bulb can also be planted in the garden, but it is a real dry bloomer. This makes this plant extremely suitable for showing off in the living room. This is possible without soil in, for example, a vase. But there are also bulbs for sale in wax. Such a creative layer of wax produces really special results. Caring for an amaryllis is certainly not difficult. The amaryllis expects very little maintenance.

The amaryllis after flowering
How to maintain the amaryllis after flowering? The flower of the amaryllis remains beautiful for a long time, but after flowering only a green stem remains. Then the time has come to take action. The stem still extracts energy from the amaryllis bulb. That’s why you need to cut the stem away to about 2 centimeters above the bulb. Do this quickly and carefully with a sharp knife. Do not damage the leaves that are there. They provide energy through photosynthesis. It needs the bulb to be able to flower again next year. You simply place the amaryllis bulb in the garden when the stem has been removed. But a pot on the balcony or terrace is no problem either.

During this period there is little to see on the plant. Some green leaves are formed, but the amaryllis does not produce flowers. In the autumn the leaves will start to yellow and it is time to start preparing for flowering.

An amaryllis is a real winter bloomer, but it will also finish flowering once in a while. What are you doing then? Many people simply throw the bulb away and buy a new one the next year. That is not necessary, because an amaryllis can also be left over. That is of course nice because…

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