Calla as a houseplant

You may also know calla under the name Zantedeschia or pitcher plant. Whatever you call the houseplant, it is a classic beauty with African roots and a sunny character.

Proud leaves, colorful chalices
The leaves and calyxes of the calla stand proudly up and the plant usually has a height of 40 to 55 centimeters. The arrow-shaped leaves are bright green, between which stems with funnel-shaped bracts emerge. These come in red, pink, cream, yellow, purple, orange, white and even black and protect the ear.

South African calla
Originating in South Africa, the calla was first described in the 18th century by the botanist Giovanni Zantedeschi after whom the plant was named.
Besides Zantedeschia, the calla is also called a pitcher plant, because according to myths, Greek gods drank from the chalice of this flower.

Due to its African past, the calla likes light and reasonable warmth. In terms of temperature, the plant is not that difficult, about 12-25°C is fine.
In addition, give the plant water once or twice a week and a little plant food for a good result.
Do the leaves of the calla hang down? Then water the plant quickly.
The plant flowers for three to eight weeks, depending on the care.
You can leave old bracts that turn green, but remove them when they turn brown.

You may also know calla under the name Zantedeschia or pitcher plant. Whatever you call the houseplant, it is a classic beauty with African roots and a sunny character. Proud leaves, colorful chalices The leaves and calyxes of the calla stand proudly up and the plant usually has a height of 40 to 55 centimeters.…

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